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Saturday, 28 March 2020

Day 5, Corona takes priority

Today started out as a normal day but would soon take a sinister twist.
I got up and had my daily porridge and got ready and cycled to work, so far normal really, well as normal can be considering the Corona virus has the world upside down, so I got to work and started to get stuff done.  about a hour in I see a co worker heading toward me with the phone,  this often happens when a customer has a enquiry but on the other side of the phone was my mother, and she sounded very upset.   she said that my uncle John had called her and he has been given 5 months to live.  He has cancer and he had no idea he was just going for a routine check up and they sat him down and told him that he has at most 5 to 6 months left. How do you even begin to soak that up, does it register... do you freak out, I have no Idea but I left work and cycled home to make sure my mother was ok.  She was very upset and crying, I did what I could to try and make her feel better, but with something like this there is no feeling better for a while at least.  They told my uncle that with the corona virus that they could not really do much for him so  now he will be spending a good while confined to his house, something like this really couldn't come at a worse time.  My mother was most upset because she fears she will not got to physically see him before the corona is over. My uncle and my mother are not the best at technology and neither of them have a modern phone  so I now decided to try and convince them both to try and get skype.  this is really the only safe way I can think of at this moment for them to be able to see each other.

Todays recovery rate stands at 139,555.

they say that once you have had it, you are immune, I hope that is right  and I hope that nobody els has to die.

thank you for reading and stay safe and look after not just your self , but each other.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I’m so sorry to hear about your uncle. I hope your mom will get to see him soon.