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Tuesday 10 February 2009


Welcome to TRIBUTE TUESDAY a chance to let that someone who has made a difference in your life feel special by paying them tribute.

This week my tribute is to one of my personal heroes

The great Joe Montana
I started watching NFL when I was about five years old.
and I remember seeing the great Montana.
He was and still is one of the greatest qb's to ever play the game and I tried base my self on him when I joined a local team.

Every week I would sit down stairs with my step father and wait to see if the 49ers were on.
I think that one night I actually cried because they weren't on tv and I was saying where's my Joe, I want to see Joe.

as the years went by and I grew up I learnt more and more about the NFL and every game Joe was on I would say he's my hero and I sill say to this day he is my hero.

I think every boy needs a hero and The great Joe Montana is one of mine.

So Joe if you ever read this I hope you like your tribute.

I hope you all enjoy my tribute for this week.


Elyse said...

LOVE your Tuesday Tribute and thanks for creating another outlet for me :)

Jennifer said...

I'm sure he would love it, Wayne.

Nati @ I will praise Him said...

Tribute Tuesday is so much fun

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the invite to Tuesday! I actually just started Two on Tuesday on my site today. I am more than happy to add you to my weekly events link though.

And Joe Montana's great. I grew watching him and Jerry Rice and the other guy (name escapes me, Steve Young??) My dad was a huge 49ers fan.

The Stiffs said...

Nice tribute. Joe was always one of my favorites.

jineen said...

hi wayne, thanks for the invite, though i know i am a week late, but it is tuesday....
hope you have a great week:)

Samantha said...

Great tribute this week =]


Mama Said said...

Hi, Wayne! Thanks for visiting and thanks for the invite for Tribute Tuesday. Very cool! Hopefully, I'll have a chance to join in sometime soon.

I've had a very interesting time perusing your blog!

LivingSimply, SimplyLiving said...

I would love to play along..
I will try to get one together later or if not I will play along next week..
thanks for the invite

Robin said...

Happy Tuesday Wayne!
Joe was a classic...I live near San Francisco and the 49er's just aren't the same as they used to be with Joe and the helm...I had a big crush on him...still do! If you ever meet him tell him send him my way okay! LOL...I hope that you are having a wonderful week my friend!

Lisa said...

Didn't get one done today, but I loved yours. I will try to add one late, or at least be ready for next week. I like to think about this post, not just throw something together.